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Community Fundraising

Fundraising tips for you

No matter how you choose to raise money for Trocaire, here are some great tips that will help you along the way!

How to fundraise for Trocaire

Planning your event

Reach Out!

They say that ‘many hands make light work’ which is true -but it also makes thework more fun! When you are planning to hold an event to raise money for a cause that is close to your heart, make sure to tell the people who are close to your heart too. By asking your friends, family and community to join you in your fundraising you are sure to have the best event possible.

Set a Goal

Your friends, family and colleagues will be compelled to support you when they see you are trying to reach a goal. Make sure you’re letting everybody know what you are hoping to achieve and your community will support you reach your goal. A great idea is to use a drawing of an empty thermometer and to fill it in the closer you are to reaching your goal.

Use our tools

There are loads of great available to download on our website including posters, sponsorship cards and guidelines–you can link to them at the bottom of this page. Don’t forget to call us and let us know what you’ll be doing and also to tell us if you need any materials such as buckets, stickers and t-shirts. We’ll be delighted to send them out to you.

Spread the word!

It’s really important to tell people why you care about the cause so make sure to share your story! Use your social media platforms, email your colleagues and call your local media. The more people who know about your event, the more people will support you! You can even start Facebook fundraiser right now with by clicking here?. Make sure to check out our website where you will find tips on contacting your local press.

Types of Events

Hero Day

Trócaire challenges you to join the fight for justice by dressing as a hero for the day!

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26 Miles

We're looking for runners from across every diocese in Ireland to take part in the Dublin Marathon.

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Virtual Cycle

Choose a destination country and cycle the distance with friends, family, colleagues or clubmates.

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Tea Time for Trócaire

Host a tea party, cake sale or coffee morning in aid of Trócaire at a location that suits you best

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Trad for Trócaire

Organise a Trad for Trócaire session in your locality during ‘Trad Week’ or any time that works for you!

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Other Events you Might Like to Try


Host a quiz at a local pub or community centre in aidof Trócaire. Invite a local ‘famous face’ such as a shop owner, parish priest or musician to be the quiz master as a way to draw people to the quiz. Let people know how much you hope to raise and ask them to pay to participate. Advertise well in advance with our posters and make sure to spread the word online!


A really effective way to raise money at your events is by holding a raffle. Reach out to local businesses and service providers and tell them about how and why you are raising money. Ask them if they would like to support you by providing a prize that you can raffle off. It’s great to ask face to face but if you have a letter that you can drop into them, that’s great too. Call us and we can help you with the letter!


Nothing brings a community together like a big walk on a bright morning! Ask people to pay to participate to help you achieve your goal and you could always combine your walk with a coffee morning or a raffle! Some people walk during the night to add another level of challenge to the walk but whatever you chose to do, make sure to reach out to as many people in your locality as possible. When you plan the route, make sure to consider stop off points with a nice view or an interesting story to make the event as enjoyable as possible.


Attention all daredevils! Do something that you consider a challenge, whether you are cycling from Alaska to Argentina, swimming the English Channel or jumping out of a plane... do it for Trócaire, let us know and we’ll support you everystep of the way!

Fundraising Resources to Help you

Please don't hesitate toget in touch for support with your event. We can give you all the advice and resources you need to fundraise.

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Set-up a fundraising page

To help you fundraise, you can set-up and share a JustGiving page that allows people to support you online.

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Create a Facebook Fundraiser

To help your fundraising, you can set-up a Facebook Fundraiser and share it with your friends and family.

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