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UK Aid Match

The UK government will double your donation before 1st June, helping thousands of families like Thandekile’s in Zimbabwe look forward to a brighter future

Thandekile with her children Nomatter and Forward. Photo: Cynthia Matonhodze

Having lost her husband to Covid-19, Thandekile is struggling to provide for her two young children

But you can support them to have access to safe water, grow their own food & become self-sufficient

Seven million people living in poverty, especially women, in drought-prone southern Zimbabwe have been disproportionately affected by the long-term impacts of Covid-19. Families were already unable to grow enough food to feed themselves because of drought and climate change, and now these challenges have been further exacerbated by the impact of the virus.

Women, who are the primary producers of food, have faced a massive increase in violent gender-based violence since the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

Thandekile is one of those who is struggling to provide for her family. She lost her husband Donovan to Covid-19 and now has to face the everyday challenges alone. You can help Thandekile and her children to rebuild their lives by supporting them and families like them to thrive.

Your support will help will reduce the reliance of 26,000 vulnerable people on food aid, and simultaneously reduce their risk of gender-based violence by improving resilient food production, access to water and access to GBV services.

This Lent your love can make all the difference. Give before 1st June and your donation will be doubled by the UK government up to £2m. Furthermore, if you sign up for a monthly gift, or increase your monthly gift before the deadline up to three of your instalments will be matched.

These matched funds will help thousands of people in Zimbabwe to grow enough food to feed their families and be able to look to the future with hope because a better tomorrow belongs to us all.

Please, if you can, help this Lent

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