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Title Resource Type Year
Nicaragua poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP): Progress in 2004

Nicaragua poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP): Progress in 2004

09 December 2013 View Resource
Impacts of the extractive industry in Latin America

Impacts of the extractive industry in Latin America

09 December 2013 View Resource
Adaptaction al Cambio Climatico en El Salvador

Adaptaction al Cambio Climatico en El Salvador

09 December 2013 View Resource
La Stratégie de la Banque Mondiale en matière de Gouvernance et de Lutte anti-corruption

La Stratégie de la Banque Mondiale en matière de Gouvernance et de Lutte anti-corruption

09 December 2013 View Resource
Demystifying ‘good governance’: An overview of World Bank Governance Reforms and Conditions

Demystifying ‘good governance’: An overview of World Bank Governance Reforms and Conditions

09 December 2013 View Resource
Towards more reliable delivery of aid

Towards more reliable delivery of aid

09 December 2013 View Resource
The impact of poverty reduction strategies on the rural sector in Honduras and Nicaragua

The impact of poverty reduction strategies on the rural sector in Honduras and Nicaragua

09 December 2013 View Resource
Honduras poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs): progress in 2004

Honduras poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs): progress in 2004

09 December 2013 View Resource
Honduras poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP): progress in 2005

Honduras poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP): progress in 2005

09 December 2013 View Resource
Mozambique: An independent analysis of ownership and accountability in the development aid system

Mozambique: An independent analysis of ownership and accountability in the development aid system

09 December 2013 View Resource
Governance and development cooperation: Civil society perspectives on the European Union approach

Governance and development cooperation: Civil society perspectives on the European Union approach

09 December 2013 View Resource
Leading Edge 2020: international development in Asia

Leading Edge 2020: international development in Asia

21 November 2013 View Resource
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