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Title Resource Type Year
Response to the Working Outline of National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights 2016-2019

Response to the Working Outline of National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights 2016-2019

01 February 2016 View Resource
The impact on and opportunities in relation to the Transatlantic, Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

The impact on and opportunities in relation to the Transatlantic, Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

26 January 2016 View Resource
Economías de Desposesión: Mujeres de Honduras y Guatemala en la Lucha Global por la Tierra

Economías de Desposesión: Mujeres de Honduras y Guatemala en la Lucha Global por la Tierra

15 December 2015 View Resource
COP21 : Recommendations to the Irish Government for Paris Negotiations of a New Global Climate Agreement

COP21 : Recommendations to the Irish Government for Paris Negotiations of a New Global Climate Agreement

27 November 2015 View Resource
Trócaire Submission to Consultation on the National Mitigation Plan SEA Scoping Report

Trócaire Submission to Consultation on the National Mitigation Plan SEA Scoping Report

13 November 2015 View Resource
Paris, for the People and the Planet: The Encyclical Laudato Si’ and what it means for the COP21 negotiations and beyond

Paris, for the People and the Planet: The Encyclical Laudato Si’ and what it means for the COP21 negotiations and beyond

, 13 November 2015 View Resource
Stand for Global Justice: International Development Priorities for the 32nd Dáil Eireann

Stand for Global Justice: International Development Priorities for the 32nd Dáil Eireann

30 September 2015 View Resource
European Migration Crisis: Failing Policies, Fatal Journeys

European Migration Crisis: Failing Policies, Fatal Journeys

28 August 2015 View Resource
Trócaire Submission on Ireland’s 2016 Budget

Trócaire Submission on Ireland’s 2016 Budget

26 August 2015 View Resource
Trócaire Submission to Consultation on Development of Ireland’s first National Low Carbon Transition & Mitigation Plan

Trócaire Submission to Consultation on Development of Ireland’s first National Low Carbon Transition & Mitigation Plan

26 August 2015 View Resource
Measuring progress on women’s participation and influence in decision-making in the SDGs: Recommendations to the Inter-agency and Expert Group and UN Member States

Measuring progress on women’s participation and influence in decision-making in the SDGs: Recommendations to the Inter-agency and Expert Group and UN Member States

04 August 2015 View Resource
Climate Justice Conference 2015: Materials

Climate Justice Conference 2015: Materials

14 July 2015 View Resource
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