2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereTrócaire has a Procurement Policy in place to ensure:
This policy lays out the required procurement procedures to ensure that supplies, services and works are purchased following the principles of open, fair and transparent competition.
Where and if possible, Trócaire aims to collaborate with its local partner organisations to maintain supply chains that are efficient and economical.
Trócaire operates a system of approved suppliers. Interested suppliers can download a supplier registration form here.
In line with our work and values, Trócaire is committed to the responsible sourcing of goods, works and services. All suppliers are required to sign up to a Supplier Code of Conduct setting out our expectations with regard to labour and human rights, workplace health and safety, environmental sustainability and any other ethical practices.
The code draws upon international standards that advance human rights, safeguarding, and social and environmental responsibility to which Trócaire is committed including the Principles of the UN Global Compact, the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Trócaire’s Safeguarding Standards.
The detailed Supplier Code of Conduct can be downloaded in English, French and Spanish.
Trócaire has established General Terms and Conditions that all of its suppliers must adhere to unless otherwise agreed.
Downloaded hereUnless otherwise indicated in the tender opportunities, all general enquiries with regard to Trócaire’s supply chain should be directed to Trócaire’s Supply Chain and Logistics Manager at [email protected].