2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereLaunch event of ‘Women Taking the Lead’ report.
Tackling the structural causes of poverty and injustice is core to Trócaire’s approach to how we work.
As well as engaging people in Ireland to take action on issues of global injustice, we also work with our leaders and elected representatives to play an integral role in building a just and sustainable world.
We urge those with power to take action –both domestically and within international forums – to contribute significantly towards global justice.
We provide expert analysis, research, policy briefs, reports and opinion pieces relating to the key policy issues which affect the communities we work with all over the world.
Our advocacy campaigns for nearly half a century have challenged apartheid in South Africa, businesses abusing human rights, trade with illegal Israeli settlements, and for over a decade we have raised the urgent need for Climate Justice.
We continue to hold the Irish Government, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the UK Government to account for their policies and actions which impact on global poverty and injustice.