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World Water Day 2023: 8 ways that Trócaire is providing access to safe water in Somalia

Trócaire reaches over 74,000 individuals in Somalia with safe drinking water and hygiene education.

A child drinking tap water at the distribution base in kabasa Somalia A child drinking tap water at the distribution base in kabasa Somalia

Access to safe drinking water is a basic human right, yet millions of people around the world still lack it. On this year’s World Water Day, Trócaire is proud to have reached 74,424 individuals in Somalia with safe drinking water and hygiene education. In Somalia, where prolonged drought is having a devastating effect on millions of people, the need for clean water is particularly critical in communities situated on riverbanks and internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in the Gedo region. In this article, we’ll explore 8 ways that Trócaire is making a difference and transforming lives through safe water access in Somalia:

1. Water trucking

Trócaire provides access to water through the use of water trucks that travel to rural areas as well as the IDP camps. This support is currently provided to communities in Tula Qorax in Garbaharey, Barargabo, Carable, Cusbo, and Kahweyne in Luuq and Baarka, Tula Hodan, and Qohle in Beled Xawa, which have no access to sustainable water sources.

2. Construction of new wells

Trócaire is establishing new wells along the riverbanks, fitting them with solar-powered pumping systems, and delivering water using this sustainable energy to vulnerable populations in IDPs and host communities. To ensure safe and clean water, the water supplied by these systems is chlorinated in accordance with WHO standards. Community members also receive hygiene education on how to treat water.

3. Elevated water tanks and water points

Trócaire installs elevated water tanks (up to 5,000 litres) to supplement the new wells in the IDPs and host communities as well as constructing several water points (water taps). Water points or taps are built close to households to relieve them of the burden of walking long distances.

4. Fuel subsidies

Trócaire provides fuel subsidies to communities to support water pumping where solar is not installed to increase the supply of water. Currently, we provide fuel subsidies to seven water management committees in densely populated areas.

5. Capacity building

Trócaire provides capacity building to community water and sanitation committees to improve their management skills and ensure ownership after the various water projects are completed. The water management committees are responsible for managing water resources, including Trócaire-constructed and rehabilitated water resources.

Mahat Ibrahim Isaack (39) carrying water to the homestead - IDP camp, Luuq, Somalia. Photo: Joy Obuya/Trócaire. Mahat Ibrahim Isaack (39) carrying water to the homestead - IDP camp, Luuq, Somalia. Photo: Joy Obuya/Trócaire.
A student at a handwashing station in Boyle Primary School. Photo: Joy Obuya/Trócair A student at a handwashing station in Boyle Primary School. Photo: Joy Obuya/Trócair

6. Safe water and sanitation facilities for schools and vulnerable communities

Trócaire’s Somalia programme provides safe water and sanitation facilities for schools and vulnerable communities to prevent water-borne illnesses.

7. Hygiene promotion campaigns

Trócaire conducts hygiene promotion campaigns targeting communities and households through house-to-house visits by hygiene promoters and Community Health Workers across our areas of operations. This helps to reduce the risk of transmission of diseases that are spread through poor hygiene and dirty water.

8. Emergency response

In emergencies, Trócaire provides Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services, including the distribution of hygiene kits, to sensitise people on best hygiene practices. The hygiene kits, provide vulnerable households with essential hygiene items including soap, which, when combined with hygiene promotion, reduces the risk of water-borne disease outbreaks.


In summary, Trócaire is committed to providing safe drinking water and promoting hygiene practices in Somalia. Through various strategies, we have reached thousands of individuals in Gedo Region and continue to work towards sustainable solutions for safe water access in the region.



This year, Trócaire’s Lenten appeal is focused on our work in Somalia. If you can, please make a donation today to support many more families who need basic needs like access to safe water, food baskets, medicines, and other urgent and compassionate supports.

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