2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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Trócaire’s annual poetry competition, in association with Poetry Ireland, uses the arts to raise awareness about the leading global justice issues of our time.
Trócaire’s annual poetry competition, in association with Poetry Ireland, uses the arts to raise awareness about the leading global justice issues of our time.
This year the competition explored the theme ‘Land is Life’. Poets were encouraged to explore a local to global perspective, and reflect on Ireland’s own history of hunger and migration.
The winners – from young primary school students to published adult poets – tackled the theme with creativity and poignancy. Winning poems exploring themes related to migration, conflict, climate change and mankind’s connection to land.
The competition is open to young people, children and adults alike, at all stages in their writing careers. There are six categories in the competition: two for adults and four for children and teens: published and non-published adult poets; first level junior and senior cycle students; and second-level junior and senior cycle students.
Jade Moore, 17, from County Offally was winner in the ‘Post Primary Senior’ category with her poem ‘Tree’.
Winning adult poets Jill Kenny, John Donaghy and Angela T. Carr.
This year’s panel of judges included published author and poet Geraldine Mitchell, who was the overall winner of our very first poetry competition in 2012, together with Aidan Clifford, formerly of CDETB’s Curriculum Development Unit, and Trócaire’s Patricia Groves.
Each year, the winning poems are published in booklet form and presented to the winners at the awards ceremony. The booklets are also distributed at events throughout the year, including poetry readings, Culture Night, literary festivals and schools workshops, ensuring a wide readership.
Gwen Barry reads her poem ‘Land is Life: He turned on the TV’ which was a runner up winner in the merick, Allannah Ní Lonnargáin (left) was winner in the Post Primary Junior category with her poem ‘Toy Army Men’ and Anna Ní Athairne was a runner up with ‘The Trees Were Once My Bones’. Photo : Garry Walsh.Cliona O’Connell reads her poem ‘Genealogy’ which was a runner up winner in the Publish poets category.
Congratulations to all this year’s winners and runners-up, and thank you to everyone who entered.
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