2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereWatch our video response to recent questions about our work in Israel and Palestine.
What is Trócaire doing in Israel and Palestine? Our position can be summed up in one sentence: we believe international law should be adhered to.
Our belief in international law underpins everything we say about this issue. Trócaire wants peace in Israel and Palestine. We want that peace to be based on mutual respect, mutual understanding and security and equality for all.
We work with Palestinian and Israeli organisations that share our desire for a just peace. That peace must be based on international law. That means a renunciation of violence on all sides and a return to the internationally recognised borders.
Trócaire works with Israeli and Palestinian groups who share a belief in a just peace based on international law.
Our belief that the only way to end the cycle of violence is to respect international law is shared by the Irish government, the EU and the UN.
Failure to implement international law has led to human rights abuses, a worsening of poverty levels and the continuation of a cycle of violence that has claimed too many innocent Palestinian and Israeli lives.
Making meaningful efforts towards building peace is the best way towards ensuring security for all people in the region. As His Holiness Pope Francis stated on his visit to the Holy Land, there is a need to create, “a stable peace based on justice, the recognition of the rights of every individual, and on mutual security.”
We have no links to any political party or organisation. We fund independent human rights organisations that are completely independent of government.
As well as supporting families at risk of home demolition or other human rights abuses by supporting Israeli and Palestinian organisations that take legal cases to halt such actions, we also support human rights groups that hold Palestinian authorities to account. We support Palestinian groups that seek to build a democratic society based on human rights and the rule of law.
We work with Israeli organisations and people who are committed to a lasting peace with their neighbours. Israeli society is diverse and is home to many groups and people who share our belief in international law and a just peace based on human rights.
We do not call for a boycott of Israel, nor do we involve ourselves in issues within Israeli borders. There is much to be admired about Israeli society and we are proud to support progressive Israeli organisations. Our objection is not with Israeli people or Israeli society but with the policies of the Israeli government in Palestinian lands. These concerns and objections are shared by many Israeli people, as well as by the UN, the EU and the Irish government.
In many places around the world, including Palestine, political systems and structures have exacerbated poverty and led to people being denied their rights. Speaking up for people who have been targeted or left voiceless by political systems is a key part of our work throughout Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
The conflict in Israel and Palestine is emotionally charged. When we speak about the situation in the West Bank and Gaza we receive huge levels of support from people who recognise our desire for a just peace for all people in the region. We also receive critical commentary, much of it designed to spread untruths about us. We won’t let this stop us from speaking out. Trócaire will always stand up for justice.
Read more about Trócaire’s work in Palestine and Israel.
Trócaire condemns violence on all sides and supports Israeli and Palestinian organisations working for mutual understanding and r