2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereGifts of Change
Buy a Gift of Changeby Éamonn Meehan, Executive Director of Trócaire
Today’s announcement is welcome. The decision to welcome 4,000 refugees into Ireland is a positive step, especially when considering that just two weeks ago the number being talked about was in the hundreds.
We are only now realising the full extent of the crisis and it is important that Ireland’s response meets its severity and scale. It is heartening to see that priority will be given to unaccompanied minors and that family reunification will be supported.
Photo captions: The Greek Island of Lesbos. Caritas Greece providing aid items to refugees and migrants. Over 1500 people are arriving a day by boat from Turkey. Credit: Arie Kievit/Cordaid
The out-pouring of generosity and compassion from the public has been remarkable and shows how communities all over Ireland will welcome these refugees and help them settle. It will be important that they are fully integrated into our schools, our sports clubs and our society generally. The Government will now hopefully develop and implement a transparent and accelerated process of relocation and resettlement, with clear guidelines and timeframes in place.
The scenes we have seen in Europe over recent weeks and months should remind European leaders of the urgent need to stop the war in Syria. Ireland needs to take a lead within the EU to make ending the conflict a priority and can play a strong role by pushing for renewed peace efforts at a European level.
Caption: Brothers in solidarity. Young Brothers, Joe (6) and Jack (4) with their Mother, Eve, welcome refugees to Ireland at the Famine memorial in Dublin last Saturday, September 5th.
For more information and what you can do you help, visit our Refugee appeal page: www.trocaire.org/refugeecrisis