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Annual Report

Trócaire supported more than 1.5 million people in 23 countries last year   

The past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a global cost-of-living crisis

Salamatu Osmatu Koroma, Mary Tarawalie, Alimatu H Kamara, Marion Fola Musu Kamara, Momunatu Fousad Kamara who ran for election in June 2023 in Western Area Rural, Sierra Leone. Photo: Tolu J. Bade/Trócaire Salamatu Osmatu Koroma, Mary Tarawalie, Alimatu H Kamara, Marion Fola Musu Kamara, Momunatu Fousad Kamara who ran for election in June 2023 in Western Area Rural, Sierra Leone. Photo: Tolu J. Bade/Trócaire

Trόcaire supported 1.58 million people in 23 countries in 2022/23, according to its Annual Report published today.

Caoimhe de Barra, Trόcaire CEO, said the past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a global cost-of-living crisis that is threatening to plunge an additional 71 million people into poverty.

“In the Horn of Africa, years of recurrent droughts fuelled by climate change, has caused extreme, life-threatening hunger for more than 20 million people,” Caoimhe de Barra said.

“At a health centre run by Trócaire in Gedo, Somalia, I spoke with a mother who had just arrived with a critically ill baby. The infant girl was given the very best of care by our health team. But she died within two days. I will never forget that mother’s grief.”

“Unfortunately, this is just one tragic story of many in the past year from Somalia and the Horn of Africa.”

In 2022/23, Trócaire’s work included supporting:

  • More than 1 million people in humanitarian crises around the world

  • 88,646 people to get access to justice

  • 278,082 people to access climate and environmental programmes

  • 232,139 people through women’s empowerment programmes


Ms de Barra said that other challenges such as the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, and Cyclone Freddy in Malawi happened suddenly and with devastating human impact.

“Despite all of the challenges presented in 2022/2023, Trócaire – with the support of donors such as Irish Aid and with the extraordinary generosity of the public in Ireland – worked with local partners to help change the lives of 1.58 million people in 23 countries. This is something we can all be proud of,” Ms de Barra said.

Trócaire has run the health services in the Gedo region of Somalia for over 30 years. Irish Aid funding has been crucial to the development of this programme. Photo: Miriam Donohoe. Trócaire has run the health services in the Gedo region of Somalia for over 30 years. Irish Aid funding has been crucial to the development of this programme. Photo: Miriam Donohoe.

Key successes in 2022/23:

  • Trócaire delivered essential health services, humanitarian assistance, education and livelihood support to more than a quarter of a million people in Gedo, Somalia

  • Ireland’s strong performance on the United Nations Security Council

  • The passing of two gender equality acts in Sierra Leone which increased women’s participation in government and guaranteed women’s access to land

  • Trócaire, through our partners in Caritas Ukraine, has provided essential humanitarian support to 110,000 people in Ukraine


Ms de Barra used the launch of the report to issue a dire warning on the climate catastrophe ahead of 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28) in November.

“The climate emergency is a catastrophe for the communities in which Trócaire works. This year at COP28, global leaders must push for an agreement for the phasing out of all fossil fuels and establish a loss and damage fund.”

You can read Trόcaire’s Annual Report 2022/23 here

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