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COP 26

Trócaire says final COP26 agreement is “deeply disappointing”

The failure of global leaders to include Loss and Damage financing in the final COP26 agreement is “deeply disappointing” and a “missed opportunity” by the powerful nations who have contributed most to climate change, according to Trócaire.

The overseas development agency said the deal fails to show solidarity in supporting shattered communities recover and rebuild after climate disasters.

Trócaire Head of Policy and Advocacy, Siobhan Curran, who attended COP26, said: “There were huge expectations that COP26 would be the moment when wealthy countries stepped up and acknowledged they have done most to cause the climate crisis. They have turned their backs on indigenous communities, small-scale farmers, women and girls who desperately need support to recover and rebuild after climate disasters. This is a matter of great injustice.

She said: “While there has been important progress over the past two weeks there is a sense – as Mary Robinson said – that some world leaders were not in “crisis mode”. We are in an emergency, and we needed world leaders to act like we are in an emergency. The clock is ticking. People are experiencing devastating consequences of climate inaction right now.” 

Ms Curran said while the commitment to “urgently deliver” $100bn for climate finance is welcome, it is still a fraction of the amount that will be needed in the face of the climate emergency.

Trocaire CEO, Caoimhe de Barra, said: “A huge amount of work has been done in the last two weeks and a positive element was that the eyes of the world were focused on the critical issues resulting from the climate crisis. It is now up to all of us to pressure decision-makers at home to act with the urgency that is required.” 

She added: “This was an exclusionary COP. Civil society found it difficult to access the COP sessions and many were excluded from the negotiation area. People from the global South and countries most affected by the climate crisis were under-represented at the COP, yet they are the most affected communities and their voices needed to be heard.”

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