2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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Buy a Gift of ChangeTrócaire has become the latest aid organisation to sign-up as a member of the Irish Emergency Alliance.
The move will see Trócaire join forces with six other leading Irish aid agencies to mount joint responses to humanitarian disasters overseas.
Through the alliance, the agencies are able to jointly raise money from the Irish public to reach even more vulnerable people in need when disaster strikes.
Trócaire CEO Caoimhe de Barra said:
“Irish Emergency Alliance members all specialise in different aspects of development but when it comes to responding to a humanitarian disaster we all have one shared purpose: to save lives. Agencies already collaborate in lots of different ways. This decision to mount joint appeals in response to humanitarian disasters makes sense. It will reduce costs and give the Irish public one central fund to donate to. Ultimately, it will help us bring support to more people. The joint appeals mechanism has worked very well in the UK for many years and we are delighted to now be part of a similar approach in Ireland.”
Trócaire will join with ActionAid, Christian Aid, Plan International, Self Help Africa, Tearfund and World Vision as members of the Irish Emergency Alliance. The alliance launched its first joint appeal in September 2020 in response to the global coronavirus crisis.
Brian Casey, Irish Emergency Alliance Executive Director, said:
“Trócaire is not only a household name in Ireland but is an Irish aid agency with a world class reputation. With Trócaire on board, the Irish Emergency Alliance will be even better placed to respond to the world’s worst disasters to make sure that we are able to reach more people in need and save lives.”
For more information visit www.irishemergencyalliance.org
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