2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereGifts of Change
Buy a Gift of ChangeFive years ago, John McColgan went to Palestine and Israel with Trócaire and with his brother Gerry he produced and presented a documentary called ‘This is Palestine’.
On 26th May 2021 a motion was passed in Dáil Éireann, the Irish parliament, condemning the ‘de facto’ annexation of Palestinian land by Israel. The motion was passed unanimously. The vote was historic as it is the first time that an EU member state has spoken out so decisively and so clearly about the situation.
The documentary has been viewed online more than a million times and gave an insight into the devastation and the horrors of the bombing at the time which John saw first-hand.
In the aftermath of the latest round of horrific violence in Gaza which saw hundreds of people killed, the majority of them women and children, John and Gerry created an update to their documentary called ‘This is Palestine – Revisited’…
David O’Hare