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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
The Tree of Water Justice
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Gifts of Change
Ireland’s role in a climate-constrained world
Aid and accountability under the Paris Framework
Tackling climate injustice: An equitable response to a global crisis
Food for all: An agenda for addressing the root cause of hunger
Climate change: Trócaire’s policy recommendations 2011
Shaping strategies: factors and actors in climate change adaptation
Putting people and planet first: a CONCORD policy paper
Biofuels: fuelling poverty and environmental degradation
From Copenhagen to Cancun: towards a fair climate change agreement
Rio revisited: getting on track for the future
Global climate action and the Durban conference
Promoting a just world: Trócaire’s manifesto for the Irish EU Council Presidency 2013
Ireland using its influence for positive change at Accra
Maji Pack on Water: Early Year’s Educator’s Resource
Maji: Exploring water resources in Kenya