2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereIn January 2022, Trócaire became a Signatory of the Grand Bargain, with the goal of advancing localisation commitments across the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding nexus.
The Grand Bargain’s annual meeting was held from 30th June through 1st July 2022 in Geneva. Several issues were discussed, including the future of the Grand Bargain itself. Michael Solis, our Global Director – Partnership and Localisation, explains.
As part of the preparations for the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, a high-level panel explored solutions to close the humanitarian financing gap. One of their recommendations included the need for “a Grand Bargain between the big donors and humanitarian organisations in humanitarian aid”.
The Grand Bargain, launched during the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul in May 2016, is a unique agreement between some of the largest donors and humanitarian organisations who have committed to get more means into the hands of people in need and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the humanitarian action. The Grand Bargain currently has 2 mutually-enforcing enabling priorities for promoting more efficient and effective humanitarian response: quality funding and localisation/participation.
Currently 64 Signatories (25 Member States, 23 NGOs, 12 UN agencies, 2 Red Cross movements, and 2 inter-governmental organisations) are working to implement Grand Bargain commitments. Trócaire is the only Irish non-governmental organisation that has signed the Grand Bargain.
Prior to becoming a Signatory to the Grand Bargain, Trócaire signed onto the Charter for Change. This is a separate but related network for advancing localisation, and it is comprised of local, national, and international NGOs only.
The meeting focused on the findings of the Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2022 and political actions needed to achieve the two enabling priorities. The report highlights key achievements, as well as challenges to progress in the Grand Bargain.
Progress against Grand Bargain commitments in 2021 included:
Challenges in 2021 included the following:
The report offers numerous recommendations for Grand Bargain Signatories, including:
Trócaire’s recommendations for the Grand Bargain relate to its internal structures and future mandate.
Caucuses: The Grand Bargain’s caucuses can create stronger linkages and improve ways of working, particularly between the Intermediaries Caucus (which explores the evolving role of intermediary agencies) and the new Localisation Caucus (which will address barriers to achieving the 25% direct as possible funding target).
The Intermediaries Caucus can develop an action plan on how to implement agreed commitments on issues, such as: 1) sharing of indirect costs budget lines with local partners; 2) embedding capacity strengthening lines into partner budgets; 3) ensuring local partners are at the table with donors and have increased visibility; and 4) including local partners and communities throughout all aspects of project planning.
National Reference Groups: The National Reference Groups (or NRGs) are the main country-level platforms for engaging with the Grand Bargain. They seek to give voice to those with limited power within the humanitarian ecosystem. They are a space where local actors can engage in open dialogue and challenge Grand Bargain signatories and hold them accountable.
While these groups now exist in 10 countries, there is a need to ensure wider participation and understanding of their work. Donors should commit to participating in these groups, even if only in a select number of countries. The NRGs should also coordinate closely with pre-existing platforms and networks at the country level, including Start Network and the Charter for Change.
The Future of the Grand Bargain: The Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report’s findings illustrated that the work of the Grand Bargain is not yet completed. It is also unlikely that the goals will be achieved in the remaining 12-month period of the Grand Bargain’s current phase. As the Grand Bargain is the only platform of its kind to influence sector level change, Trócaire feels the Grand Bargain must extend its mandate beyond June 2023.
Building on its 50 years of experience working in partnership with local organisations around the world, Trócaire has made considerable progress on its localisation efforts and commits to the following over the coming year:
The shifting of power dynamics within the humanitarian sector takes time, but it is a necessary change that can and will result in better and more empowering forms of support to affected populations.
Trócaire believes this is a change worth pursuing and that it is possible to achieve within each organisation, regardless of its size and previously established ways of working. We will continue to advocate for this change, in close collaboration with our local partners, in our ongoing engagements with other Grand Bargain Signatories.
Learn more about our Localisation Strategy.