2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereGifts of Change
Buy a Gift of ChangeTrócaire wants to say a massive thank you to those supporters who have responded to our plea to return their Trócaire boxes in the last few weeks.
Trócaire wants to say a massive thank you to those supporters who have responded to our plea to return their Trócaire boxes in the last few weeks. The restrictions that were imposed due to Covid-19 had a huge impact on the Lenten Appeal 2020. This is our biggest fundraising campaign of the year and with churches and schools closed because of the pandemic, many supporters were unable to return their Trócaire boxes at the usual time.
Trócaire’s Lenten Appeal raises approximately €8m each year and two thirds of this money comes from the Trócaire box. We rely on these donations to ensure our work in 20 of the world’s poorest countries is able to continue.
A big thank you for your support to the work of Trócaire in Honduras that has enabled Angela and her family as well as hundreds of communities to stay safe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and keep defending their rights to justice, equality and security.
This work helped 2.9 million people last year – supporting them to grow enough food to feed their families; ensuring those in need have access to, control over and the ability to effectively protect and use critical resources, in particular land and water; protecting the rights of people who are marginalised and vulnerable to human rights violations; and working with women and men to eliminate inequalities that keep women poor and marginalised.
In addition we are currently working with communities overseas to help keep them safe from the spread of Coronavirus by providing hand-washing facilities, vital information and medical care.
Kutoa ni moyo usambe ni utajiri
Giving is more a matter of the heart than the pocket. Swahili Proverb
None of this work would be possible without your donations. For anyone who still has a Trócaire box it’s not too late to ensure it makes a difference. You can count the money in the box and make the donation online at www.trocaire.org or by calling 1850 408 408 in ROI (0800 912 1200 in NI). You can post your donation to Trócaire, Maynooth, Co. Kildare or 50 King Street, Belfast, BT1 6AD. Alternatively you can contact your local parish and see if they have safe arrangements in place to take your box.
A warm and grateful thank you from Kenya to all those who listened to their hearts this lent and gave what you could to Trócaire – especially during this very challenging time.
Your generosity will not be forgotten.
Every donation will make a difference in these particularly challenging times and we will ensure the money you donate is put to immediate use helping some of the world’s most vulnerable people.
Stay up-to date with Trócaire's work overseas, get news on key global social justice issues and find out about our latest campaigns in Ireland and how you can get involved.