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Gifts of Change
Sustaining injustice : EU trade with Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories
Biofuels: fuelling poverty and environmental degradation
Leading edge 2020: critical thinking on the future of international development
Lessons learnt from PRSPs: recommendations to the World bank, IMF and donors
Do the deal: recommendations for G7 leaders to reduce poverty
Are poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs) combating rural poverty in Honduras and Nicaragua?
Meeting Ireland’s aid commitments at a time of economic recession (2009)
Copenhagen: what went wrong and what happens next?
Strengthening participation for policy influence: briefing paper
The 50 years of EU-ACP co-operation under threat
Making European Union development aid work for the poor
From Copenhagen to Cancun: towards a fair climate change agreement
Countdown to 2015: Can Ireland and the EU save the Millennium Development Goals?
Keeping gender on the agenda
Implementing Aid for Trade to reduce poverty
Rio revisited: getting on track for the future
Aid effectiveness and protecting civil society
Human rights: Christian perspectives on development issues
Business and human rights: an advocacy manual
La surveillance des politiques gouvernementales
Técnicas de Análise e Acompanhamento de Políticas Públicas
Monitoring government policies: a toolkit for civil society organisations in Africa