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Climate change

Keep the pressure on for a strong Climate Bill

The Dail is on the verge of passing an extremely weak Climate Change Bill that has no specific carbon reduction targets. But it’s not too late for you to intervene.

This is an absolutely critical time for climate change action in Ireland.

It is vital that we now put pressure on members of the Oireachtas Environment Committee to ensure we get a strong, effective climate bill.

Your lobbying to-date has been heard.

We’ve already seen TDs from across the Dail bringing attention to weaknesses in the bill.

On Tuesday 10th February, Trócaire, together with Stop Climate Chaos organised a hugely successful mass lobby event on Ireland’s Climate Bill. This event was organised to pressure our politicians to pass a much stronger bill than currently exists. Watch the video from the mass lobby event to see that your lobbying does work.

(To see more impact, read our blog on the mass lobby event)

But so far the Minister for the Environment, Alan Kelly TD, has not listened to the concerns of his colleagues.

What can you do NOW?

As the bill goes to committee stage, we now need to be loud and clear in letting the Oireachtas Environment Committee know what’s at stake.

We need to ask the Oireachtas Environment Committee to support crucial amendments to the bill. Read the amendments here

Please tweet or email the committee members to send a clear message- demanding that they show leadership on this issue!


Suggested tweets:

Will you show leadership and strengthen #climatebill at Environ. Committee? Amendments here

Please use your voice on Environ. Committee to strengthen #climatebill. Amendments here


TD Contact details:

Helen McEntee TD: @Hmcentee or [email protected]

James Bannon TD: @JamesBannonTD or [email protected]

Noel Coonan TD: @NoelCoonanTD or [email protected]

Robert Dowds TD: @robert_dowdsTD or [email protected]

Michael McCarthy TD: @mmccarthyTD or [email protected]

Tony McLoughlin TD: @TonyMcLTD or [email protected]

Michelle Mulherin TD: @MulherinFG or [email protected]

Fergus O’Dowd TD: @Fergusodowd or [email protected]

Barry Cowen TD: @CowenBarry or [email protected]

Catherine Murphy TD: @CathMurphyTD or [email protected]

Brian Stanley TD: @BrianStanleyTD or [email protected]

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