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Access to Justice

Good news for human rights defender Rosalina

The community leader and activist Rosalina Dominguez had received two threats in recent weeks for opposing the actions of big business. For years, her community have peacefully opposed the construction of a hydroelectric dam along the sacred Gualcarque River.  

Last month Trócaire’s campaigners demanded protection for Rosalina and her community. More than 1,000 people emailed Federica Mogherini, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, about the case. 

Now the EU delegation in Honduras is arranging a meeting between Trócaire staff, Rosalina and COPINH, the local partner organisation which Trócaire supports. 

According to COPINH, the situation remains tense in the community but the attacks have stopped. They are hopeful that a long-term solution will now be found.   

Yet Rosalina’s story is not unique. 

Right now in northern Honduras, nine human rights activists from the indigenous Tolupan community are facing trial for standing against illegal logging companies and protecting their land. 

Every day activists are beaten, intimidated, imprisoned and even murdered for speaking truth to power. 

The creation of an international binding treaty on Business and Human Rights would be an important step in holding corporations to account and protecting brave human rights defenders. 

Demand the Irish and UK Governments actively engage in the process to create this treaty. 

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