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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
The Tree of Water Justice
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Gifts of Change
Four ways Trócaire supports human rights defenders around the world
The wild and traditional foods that Trócaire is working to recover in Africa and Central America
Trócaire’s Lenten appeal to support impoverished people of Zimbabwe
Situational Analysis – The State of Localisation in Zimbabwe:
Social Inclusion & The Promotion of The Human Rights of persons with Disabilities in Zimbabwe
‘My heart bleeds knowing I have no food to give my grandchildren’
Trocaire Capacity Statement – Responding to Covid 19
Trócaire Resilience Lessons
Against the Odds: Women Leading the Struggle for Global Justice
More than the Money – Localisation in practice
Where Aid Meets Trade: Ireland’s role in the changing development landscape in Africa
Food Security, Poverty reduction, climate change: Placing Trocaire’s livelihoods work in context