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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
The Tree of Water Justice
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Gifts of Change
‘I just wish I had one friend here’ – says Machot (12) who was forced to flee his home in South Sudan
Surely the world can unite on a shared plea to end children’s suffering?
Empowering Yirol East Communities through Village Saving and Loan Associations
Hunger in South Sudan: ‘My baby cries throughout the night because I don’t have enough milk’
International Peace Day
Friendships forged while fleeing war : The remarkable story of Awut and Ajak
Call for peace in South Sudan on International Peace Day 2020
South Sudan
Trocaire Capacity Statement – Responding to Covid 19
Against the Odds: Women Leading the Struggle for Global Justice
More than the Money – Localisation in practice
Where Aid Meets Trade: Ireland’s role in the changing development landscape in Africa
Keeping Poverty Eradication and Human Rights at the Heart of Ireland’s Changing Relationship with Africa