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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
The Tree of Water Justice
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Gifts of Change
‘I feel like more than a female farmer’: Nang Hla Kwel on her journey to empowerment in Myanmar
Trócaire stands with the people of Myanmar in call for an end to violence and restoration of democracy one year after the armed forces attempted to seize power
The Impact of Monsoon and COVID-19 on IDPs in Kachin
Life in Times of COVID-19 – Internally Displaced People in Kachin State, Myanmar:
Dialogue and peace needed in Myanmar
COVID-19 Implications for Myanmar
Localisation Through Partnership
Trocaire Capacity Statement – Responding to Covid 19
Women Taking the Lead: Defending Human Rights and the Environment
Inspire Research Report Myanmar: How women and girls maintain psychosocial wellbeing.
Durable Peace Programme Endline Report
Displaced and Dispossessed – IDP Land in Kachin, Myanmar
Formalising Land, Marginalising Women?
Against the Odds: Women Leading the Struggle for Global Justice
More than the Money – Localisation in practice
Life on Hold: Experiences of women displaced by conflict in Kachin State, Myanmar
Joint NGO statement on Kachin and Northern Shan States – January 2017