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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
The Tree of Water Justice
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Gifts of Change
Our year in photos: 12 from 24
Massive scaling up of humanitarian response required in Syria to address 90% in deep poverty
Ireland should pass the Occupied Territories Bill urgently
Global crises demand much higher ambition in Budget 2025
Zimbabwean farmers receive life-changing support thanks to Northern Ireland public and UK government
Trócaire asks Ireland to enact Occupied Territories Bill
Winners of 2024 Trócaire Game Changers competition announced as innovative students and young people tackle justice issues through play
The people of Gaza are Starving; for Food and for Justice
UN Security Council resolution welcomed by Trócaire but a permanent ceasefire and urgent access to aid are paramount
Shining a light for women’s rights in Sierra Leone
Climate Change affects everyone, but not equally
People of Syria still face huge challenges one year on from devastating earthquake
Irish NGOs call for the Government to support Dáil motion urging shift away from fossil fuel investments
UK government funding drives positive change for conflict-affected families in South Sudan
The renewed bombing of Gaza sees nightmarish scenes return to the Gaza Strip
Ireland’s pledge on Loss and Damage is a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul
Loss and Damage agreement an important step after decades of struggle by developing countries
How Trócaire is supporting and investing in women’s rights organisations
Trócaire condemns death of aid partners in Gaza
Trócaire launches Christmas ‘Gifts Of Change’ and praises 50 years of giving by Irish public
Kadiatu becomes first woman in her family to own land thanks to historic Land Act in Sierra Leone
7 reasons why Ireland needs to keep its Overseas Aid promise on Budget Day