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An Post steps in to distribute Trócaire boxes through post offices nationwide

An Post and the Irish Postmasters’ Union have announced that Trócaire boxes will now be available to collect from all 940 post offices throughout Ireland from today.

This announcement comes after Trócaire warned that up to one-third of its annual donations have been put at risk after Covid-19 restrictions severely curtailed the distribution of Trócaire boxes this Lent.

The Irish charity’s Lenten Appeal kicked off last week but social and travel restrictions, including school closures and the suspension of Masses, means that for the first time in almost 50 years many homes are without Trócaire boxes this year.

The Trócaire box has been central to funding the charity’s work since its foundation in 1973 and the Lent campaign results in approximately €8m in donations each year.

Trócaire CEO Caoimhe de Barra said:

“Boxes have been left in churches for people to pick-up and supporters who are unable to get a box this year can still support our life-saving work by donating online at trocaire.org.

“An Post are now providing another avenue for our supporters to collect a Trócaire box. There will be 120,000 Trócaire boxes in 940 post offices throughout Ireland this week which is just fantastic.

“We are so grateful for the support from An Post and the Irish Postmasters. We are dependent on such generosity to ensure that our life-saving work continues.”

General Secretary of the Irish Postmasters’ Union Ned O’Hara said:

“Postmasters across the country are delighted to be able to rally behind Trócaire and this year’s campaign. The local post office is an integral part of Irish community and we appreciate the vital work Trócaire does for poor communities around the world. We hope that our customers will pick up a Trócaire box when they are next in our post offices and support Trócaire this Lent.”

Trócaire’s campaign this year focuses on people who are trapped in long-running wars, such as those affecting places such as South Sudan and Somalia. Generations of people in these countries have been forced to live through conflict. Their resilience and determination to help each other is remarkable. By donating to our Lenten Appeal, you will be helping them to help themselves.

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