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Aid agencies in South Sudan warn that funds are urgently needed to stop the spread of famine

27 humanitarian agencies working in South Sudan, including Trócaire, have warned that unless substantial funds are immediately provided to those working on the ground, organisations will struggle to stop famine spreading across the country in the next few months.

This statement follows Monday’s declaration of famine in parts of the country.   

The UN has appealed for $1.6 billion to cope with the crisis and pledges have already been made in recent days by the UK (£100m) and the EU (82m Euros) – but the money is needed urgently for those on the ground before the rains start in April, which would make the delivery of aid even more difficult.

The aid organisations say that if their requests are not urgently acted upon, the number of people going hungry could increase to more than 5.5 million by July 2017.

Trócaire’s team in South Sudan is providing emergency food and water to people. We are also providing safety and emergency relief to South Sudanese refugees who have fled to camps in Uganda.

“The people I met in villages are in urgent need of help,” said Trócaire’s Sean Farrell. “Without aid, they will not survive the coming months. The situation is really dire – already 100,000 people are confirmed to be in famine but millions more are on the brink.

“Farming families in the region are used to experiencing hungry seasons in between harvests but the situation facing them today is unprecedented. They have run out of food supplies five months earlier than normal and have no way to produce food until August at the earliest.”

The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has displaced millions of people and the dire situation has been compounded by a devastating drought.

Find out more about our response to the Extreme Hunger Crisis and what you can do


The following 27 aid agencies working in South Sudan signed the statement:

  • ACF
  • American Refugee Council
  • CAFOD & Trócaire in Partnership
  • Care
  • Christian Aid
  • Cordaid
  • Deutsche Welthungerhilfe
  • DCA
  • DRC
  • Finn Church Aid
  • International Aid
  • Intersos
  • IRC
  • Mercy Corps
  • Norwegian Church Aid
  • Oxfam
  • Plan International
  • Premiere Urgence International
  • Relief International
  • Save the Children
  • Solidarites
  • Swiss Church Aid
  • Tearfund
  • Warchild
  • World Relief
  • World Vision
  • ZOA South Sudan

Joseph Malis with his daughter in Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp in Uganda

Caption: Joseph Malis, 39, photographed with his daughter in his tent in Bidi Bidi refugee camp in northern Uganda. Malis fled his home in Gimono village, South Sudan, after government soldiers burned it down and killed three people there in August. Malis already harvested the first of his crop of cow-peas, grown from seeds donated by Caritas, which he used to supplement the family’s diet of maize and beans. Photo by Tommy Trenchard for Caritas


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