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Climate change

2016 must be Ireland’s year for climate action

It’s time for Ireland to take action and keep its promises on climate change, says Joanne McGarry, Campaigns Officer.

While Ireland signed up to the global Paris Accord on climate change and finally enacted a Climate Law for the country in December 2015 – tangible, concrete action has yet to be taken.

Earlier this year, Trócaire launched The Burning Question campaign calling on TDs to address the inadequacy and incoherence of Ireland’s response to climate change to date.

Woman holding climate change sign - Will you stop fuelling climate change

Ireland’s investments in some of the world’s most polluting fossil fuel companies through the Irish Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) for example, are completely at odds with its commitments to become a decarbonised society which plays its part in addressing the climate change crisis.
Following lobbying from Trócaire and its Burning Question campaigners, our TDs looked into the issue of Ireland’s investments in the fossil fuel industry, and they responded to us.
We’ve heard that the government’s existing fossil fuel investments will be sold ‘over time’, which is good to know.  

But there is no clear commitment as to when this will happen, and there is no guarantee that the government won’t re-invest in these or other fossil fuel companies in the future – so we have to keep the pressure on!

This petition will be handed to the Minister for Finance, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, and Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment who are responsible for the investments Ireland makes and in which industries they are made.
This is our chance to ensure the government cannot invest in fossil fuel companies in the future. 


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