The Tree of Justice
Welcome to the Primary Tree of Justice! In the trunk you will find introductory activities including a video called Exploring Global Justice – this is where you should start your journey. In the branches of the tree you will find activities that explore global justice in Somalia, Guatemala and Palestine. You can choose how you move around the tree. The educator guide at the bottom of this screen has more information and curriculum links.

My name is Feathers and welcome to the Primary Tree of Justice!

Begin your journey here! Learn more about what global justice means, what rights are, and what it means when someone’s rights are denied. Watch the Exploring Global Justice video and complete the accompanying activities.

Sa' Qachool! In the Guatemala branch you can learn more about Maria and her family and about how they are fighting to stay on their land. We learn more about palm oil, how it is produced and why this can be a problem for communities like Maria’s.

Salaam Alaykum! In the Somalia branch, you can learn about 8 year old Nasteha and her family, and about how climate change has caused a very serious drought. We also learn more about overseas aid, and CJ the bee tells us about climate justice.

Marhaba! In the Palestine branch, you can learn more about the history of Israel and Palestine and what life is like for young people like Layan and her friends. You can also learn more about artivism and about art and justice.

Welcome to the Taking Action branch! Now that you have visited the different branches in the Tree of Justice you can find out more about taking action as a Global Citizen for a more just world.