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Campaign and Activism

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.  If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality” – Bishop Desmond Tutu

Tackling the structural causes of poverty and injustice is core to Trócaire’s work. By becoming a campaign volunteer, you will use your voice to support important advocacy work on issues such as human rights, transforming the world’s food systems, corporate accountability, protection of indigenous communities, peace in Palestine, climate justice and more. We work alongside our leaders and elected representatives to play an integral role in building a just and sustainable world.   We continue to hold the Irish Government, the Northern Ireland Assembly, the UK Government and the EU to account for their policies and actions which impact on global poverty and injustice.

Examples of Campaign and Activism Volunteering:

  • Learning about our advocacy campaigns by attending briefings, training and understanding our policy briefs.
  • Contacting your local TD/MLA/MP/MEP to positively contribute to current campaigns.
  • Organising a documentary screening event in your local community to show one of the many Trócaire documentaries that are available.
  • Sharing information about our advocacy campaigns with your networks and on social media.
  • Attending lobbying events.
  • Writing a blog for our website on an issue of injustice that you feel passionate about.

Benefits of Campaign and Activism Volunteering:

  • You will gain knowledge, confidence and understanding of key international development issues.
  • You will use your existing skills and learn some new skills.
  • You will be participating in actions of solidarity that make a difference.
  • You will know that you are playing a part in fighting for global poverty and injustice.
  • You will be part of a team of like-minded campaigners who support each other through meetings and networks.

Visit our Campaigns Page

Get in touch

We’re always looking for more volunteers to join us. If you’re interested in learning more about volunteering with Trócaire, contact us:

Give us a call:

Cork (021-4275622)
Galway (091-392791)
Belfast (0044-2890808030)

Send us an email:

[email protected]

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