2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
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The weight of water is robbing Malita and her family of the chance at a future this Lent. Your kind gift now helps them build a better tomorrow…
Every day in southern Malawi, Malita and her family carry the terrible weight of water. Too much, and livestock, homes, and soil are swept away. Too little, and crops die. Malita’s children go hungry. Here, where poverty already bites hard, the extreme effects of climate change are personal. Devastating. Heartbreaking. But with your love and generosity beside them this Lent, clean, safe water can flow for hardworking families and communities like Malita’s. Your caring gift now can provide water systems run by the sun, and deep boreholes to end backbreaking hours fetching unsafe water that makes families sick. Your kindness can even stock the right seeds in local seed banks – resilient, hardy, and traditional – and support drip irrigation pipes, taps, and farmer-to-farmer training in sustainable agroecology. Because no one should have to suffer for safe water.
Please can you help lift the weight of water from their shoulders this Lent, and give generously for families like Malita’s: