Trócaire Development Review 2006
Policy and Programmes
5 Feb 2014
The 2006 Trócaire Development Review discusses the connection between governance and poverty reduction. Particular topics under discussion include the complex issue of how to define governance, the role of decentralised control and its effects on governance, the interpretation of civil society within the governance agenda, efforts to increase women's participation in procedural democracy, the logging industry, intellectual property regimes, and an analysis of the definition of governance used within the Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI, renamed Irish Aid) policies and strategy. Finally, several recently-published key texts on development are reviewed.
About the Trócaire Development Review
The Review draws together policy analysis and research finding with a particular relevance to Ireland's evolving role in international development. Articles are on economic, social and political themes relating to poverty and injustice in the developing world.
2006 Introduction.pdf
2006 Better Governance Research.pdf
2006 Governance Poverty Reduction.pdf
2006 Governance Development Cooperation Ireland.pdf
2006 Real Illusionary Progress.pdf
2006 Governance Intellectual Property.pdf
2006 Local Natural Resource Management.pdf
2006 Forest Monitoring.pdf