Trócaire Development Review 1997
Policy and Programmes
4 Jul 2014
The 1997 Trócaire Development Review focuses primarily on human rights concerns. These are addressed from a variety of perspectives, including the connections between Buddism and human rights presented by Aung San Suu Kyi at the Pope Paul VI Memorial Lecture, the democratic deficit in the South East Asia, women’s roles in post-conflict Eritrea, the role of the state in Zambia, EU agricultural policies and food security, and refugee treatment in Ireland.
In addition, several recently-published key texts on development are reviewed including World Development Report 1997: The State in a Changing World by the World Bank, The State of the World's Children 1997 by UNICEF, NGOs, States and Donors: Too Close for Comfort? By David Hulme and Michael Edwards, Striking a Balance: A Guide to Enhancing the Effectiveness of Non-Governmental Organisations in International Development by Alan Fowler, and World Trade: Toward Fair and Free Trade in the Twenty-first Century by Jo Marie Griesgaber and Bernard G. Gunter.
About the Trócaire Development Review
The Review draws together policy analysis and research finding with a particular relevance to Ireland's evolving role in international development. Articles are on economic, social and political themes relating to poverty and injustice in the developing world.
1997 Introduction.pdf
1997 Aung San Human Development.pdf
1997 Democratic Expansion Southeastasia.pdf
1997 Retreat State Zambia.pdf
1997 Challenges Opportunities Women Eritrea.pdf
1997 Eu Agricultural Policy.pdf
1997 Ireland Obligations Refugees.pdf
1997 Book Reviews1.pdf
1997 Book Reviews2.pdf