Trócaire Budget 2015 Submission

Trócaire's submission on Budget 2015 asks the Irish government to consider the cumulative impact of cuts to the ODA budget since 2008, and ensure the trend of a sliding percentage contribution is reversed in Budget 2015.
Also, in light of the two major international Summits in 2015, we ask that the government moves swiftly to address the policy void and re-instate a new target date of 2020 for the achievement of the UN ODA target of 0.7 per cent of GNI; produce a ‘2020 Strategy on ODA’, including an annual roadmap for each year between now and 2020 outlining how Ireland intends to achieve its ODA commitment; restate clearly the centrality of our Development Cooperation programme, based around poverty reduction and the achievement of human rights, in Ireland’s new Foreign Policy Statement, to be issued in Autumn 2014.

Download   Trocaire Budget 2015 Submission.pdf