2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereTrócaire and our partners primarily work with women and girls who are discriminated against, marginalised and socio-economically excluded, and who are living in crisis situations, including the climate crisis. We believe that investing in these women and girls, and supporting their pathways into leadership positions will benefit women and girls more broadly, and societies as a whole. To support this work, Trócaire developed Masidama, a methodology that addresses harmful social norms that limit women’s and girls’ participation and creates an enabling environment for women’s and girls’ leadership. Masidama was first developed in Sierra Leone, piloted in Rwanda and Myanmar, and is currently also being implemented in Lebanon and Ethiopia. Feedback from women participants, their families and communities has provided strong evidence for the approach.
Masidama means “Thinking Differently” in Limba. The Limba people are the third largest ethnic group in Sierra Leone, and the name “Masidama” was suggested by Trócaire’s partners during a workshop on social norms change.