AIDS is Not Over: A Policy Paper of the Dóchas HIV & AIDS Working Group

Policy paper from the Dóchas HIV and AIDS Working Group of which Trócaire is a member calling on the Irish government to renew its commitments on HIV and AIDS.
These include:

  - To spend €100 million per year on HIV and other communicable diseases, with 20% dedicated to children;

  - To clearly state its strategy for addressing HIV and AIDS in its development and emergency response work;

  - And to ensure transparent monitoring and reporting of Irish Aid expenditure on HIV and AIDS.

The Dóchas HIV and AIDS Working Group is a sub-group of Dóchas, the Irish Association of Non- Governmental Development Organisations. It was established in May 2001 to develop common positions on a number of issues related to HIV and AIDS, specifically for the first UN High Level Meeting on HIV.

Download   Policy Paper Dochas Hiv Aids Working Group.pdf