2023-24 Trócaire Annual ROI Annual Report
Download HereVillagers in Nyamagabe, Rwanda, celebrate their ‘kitchen gardens’, grown with support from Trócaire.
We support people regardless of culture, ethnicity, gender or religion.
We practice these values in our work with communities, supporters and donors.
Trócaire is the overseas development agency of the Irish Catholic Church. We work in partnership with local development and humanitarian actors, to support people and communities to tackle the root causes of poverty, injustice and violence and to use their own power to create positive and lasting change.
Our work is grounded in Catholic Social Teaching and is in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church. We work with people of all faiths and none, and with a wide range of organisations. We don’t endorse all the positions of our partners, but we believe in working collaboratively with others in areas where we share the same objectives for change.
Read more about Trócaire and the Catholic Church or about Catholic Social Teaching.